Because it's 41 degrees and pouring and the first afternoon of Spring Break here at the Law School and it's deserted and I'm so completely hungry and lacking for good things to eat and people are sending me tom cruise videos and ruining my day, I've decided to start a countdown! An official(ish) countdown! It is 99% certain that this fall I will be packing up my closet, my cat and my le creusets and embarking on the classic "West Coast Girl Hits Manhattan" journey.
We'll ignore the fact that Columbia has been slightly shit about telling me anything other than, "Hey! You're accepted! Come visit us in May! Get Vaccinated!" and instead put to use my fabulous deduction skills to guesstimate (yes, that's a technical term, asshole) that I will be arriving on the Isle of Manhattan on or around the 29th of August. Yeah yeah, so it's technically only for a year at this point, but still, let me have fun with it. I'm kind of wishing I had a big steamer trunk, just for the effect, but that's another issue. Blah blah yeah yeah, here's the countdown:
158 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
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