
what walks on four legs and holds the key to my heart?

So Olive is now at, what I'm calling for the purpose of trying to make myself not feel like the world's worst mother, her West Seattle summer camp playing with her sister and the world's greatest yellow lab, Ms. Penny. A few weeks ago, while Olive was dallying around outside on my windowsill, the building owner drove by and, well, that's that. I'm not supposed to have cats. I was breaking the rules. Case closed. Long story short, Olive is gone until I leave for New York in August and my heart is broken.

Yeah, so my apartment is a little cleaner, and I don't have a million glasses in the dishwasher that have fallen victim to dipping kitty paws, and I don't have to live with double sided tape all over my couch blah blah blah. I do have a silent house, and no one to cuddle under the covers with me at night, and no one to greet me at the door when I get home and talk to me when I'm bored, and nothing to pet and scratch right before I fall asleep on the couch for a nap. I never pictured myself as a cat lady, and i still might argue that I'm more of just an animal lady in general, but Olive has got me whipped and I miss her immensely. I actually can't think about it without bursting into tears. I miss my girl.

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