
when bad things happen to bad people

you know, i'm not really into dancing on people's graves, but i can't help but comment on this. sorry jerry. this was obviously some sort of coordinated attack by the jews, gays, feminists, Teletubbies, pagans and ACLU. but what really gets me, is that there is now some sort of unspoken (or loudly spoken) decree that all republican presidential candidates need to issues statements on this. this guy was a radical, on-the-fringe hatemonger. these guys really need to pander to his fans? really? REALLY? there's something wrong there. this is about the time i need mike gravel to show up and call a bigot a bigot. old man has balls. (i'm pretty in love with mike gravel.)


Anonymous said...

Shall we talk about intolerance?
Let's not. His life is over. Let it be.

kate said...

i'm a history major. criticizing dead people is what i do.

maybe i should let him do his own talking.

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."


"if you're not a born again christian, you're a failure as a human being"


"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face [for the events that occurred on 9/11]."

he's reaping what he sowed in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

"Criticizing" or facts? Yes, you have written true quotes, but have you introduced your own intolerance? I hear it. History should be about the complete life of a person, place, or thing. I would not like my children's text books written with such tangible bias.
To quote a wise old man, "and now...for the rest of the story".
Write history w/out emotions. The facts will stand and people will can come to their own conclusions.
Hitler was horrid, but interesting. I know what he did, but let me process him w/out you telling me your feelings.
Get it?

ratbert said...

some intolerance is justified. one can seek to understand hitler without tolerating what he did.

ratbert said...

one can even accept hitler's, or kim jong-il's humanity, without tolerating their political acts.