Barcelona! I know, right? Bit left field. But I started thinking about Gaudi and the beach and not being in cold gray London and it just became apparent that I needed to trick Adam into wanting to go too. Luckily, I think his (eventual) enthusiasm for the idea is (now) wholehearted and we have already planned a Kate v. Adam Street Photography Deathmatch. I will win. What I cannot guarantee is a victory in the battle of Kate v. Catalan because my romance-language brain can get behind Spanish, but "si us plau?" Not so much. One last highlight, especially for me, Ms. Christmas, is that Spaniards typically don't give gifts on Christmas Day, but instead on January 6th, Three Kings Day. The night before, there is a huge celebration as the three kings arrive by boat to Barcelona and parade throughout the town. Kings throw candy, kids get gifts. We will be there and I will be giddy.
And I'm thinking as I type this "Whose life IS this?" because 90% of the time, lately, my life just seems totally surreal. It's nice though to feel the need to pinch yourself every now and again, just to check.
I've somehow lucked out. Though I'd say my most lucky acquisition is a traveling partner who makes traveling even better than traveling. A keeper.
1 comment:
Katie, I would really like to borrow a piece of your surreal life someday. Preferably on January 6.
Happy New Year!
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