

You know, sometimes writing is a special kind of torture.  Those times when you can actually visualize the roadblock in your thought process but can't manage to get it out of the way?  When you start editing your words before they've even hit the page?  When everything you write makes you sound like you've the charisma of a friggin' piece of toast?  Those are the best times.
I've been entrenched in the world's worst (and most inconvenient) case of writer's block this past week.  Every time I sat down to answer the question "Why are you applying for this degree?" I was paralyzed with indecision.  I know why I want to do what I want to do, but I couldn't draw a connection between my past and my future.  
And then, all of the sudden, fifteen minutes ago, the clouds parted etc. etc. and it became completely simple.  Sublimely simple.  Now I can't stop writing.  It's GOOD.  I sound like, you know, a serious candidate!  Sweet relief!  
More to come.

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