So you know, I spent the majority of the last week working my ass off to get people to the caucus on Saturday. I spent all day Saturday working my ass off at the caucus, getting people to their precinct locations, registering new voters, doing anything I could to help out.
I'm planning to write about how incredible an experience it was, how inspiring it was, how good things come out of the chaos of sticking hundreds of neighbors into the same room and talking about politics, but first I just need to point out ...
Hillary doesn't think it matters much! Because apparently I fall into one of two categories: "activist" or "African-American" and God knows neither of those actually represent the American electorate.
Tell that to the 1,000 people who showed up at my caucus location on Saturday. And the hundreds and of thousands who showed up to theirs around the state and elsewhere in the country.
You know why they showed up, Hills? Because for once in our lifetime someone (not you) has actually inspired us to quit complaining and do something about our state of affairs. Someone made us feel like our vote actually mattered, beyond this "Red State/Blue State" 51-49-is-good-enough-for-me bullshit.
It's a good thing 70% of us Washingtonians didn't cast our useless vote for her anyway. Turns out she didn't want them!
Cry it out, bitch, and Stay Classy, Mrs. Clinton!
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