So, full disclosure, I'm sitting at work right now watching the Scripps National Spelling Bee online on ESPN. It is one of my favorite events of the year. One of the best things about the Bee is that once you've completed the 8th grade, you're no longer eligible to compete. So, essentially what you have is an enclave of oily, gangly, awkward pre-teens who, while their peers are out obsessing over Miley Cyrus and plotting to ruin each other's social lives and passing "will you go out with me? yes no (circle one)" notes, these kids are obsessing over words. As a world-wearied nerd myself, I feel a special pang every time I witness one of their awkward tics, their bowl-cut bangs, their geeky air-writing-and-erasing, the facial hair/soprano voice dichotomy and just want to gather them in one big bear hug and tell them it's going to be okay! You nerds shall inherit the earth! A spot on the middle school volleyball team does not a success story make! (Okay, okay, now it's getting personal)
The Bee feels like a safe haven from the zitty, catty, self-esteem-teeter-totter that is Middle School. In fact, the only genuinely painful part of the broadcast is when the dolled-up correspondent, a Paris Hilton clone all veneer-y mouthed and frosty-locked (never a nerd, I'd venture to guess) tries to engage the kids in breezy backstage banter, when it's clear they'd rather be discussing the etymology of the word "eremophyte" at home with their mothers.
Hang in there kiddos. You'll be laughing in the faces of those who laugh at your dog-eared dictionaries soon.
And on a final note, one of our favorite blogs around these parts (lawyer nerds!) http://throwingthings.blogspot.com/ has a guest blogger covering the Bee. None other than Shonda Rhimes, writer/creator of "Grey's Anatomy." He posts almost make me forgive her for the clustereff-waste-of-airspace that has become "Grey's." Almost.
And my money/heart is on Rose Sloan.